Adventure Time Soundboard app

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Mediafire mirror


Regular Show Soundboard app

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The Sweeney Soundboard app

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Zim and Gir Soundboard app

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Carry On Soundboard app

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Is it safe to install these apps on my device?

  • You should only install apps from sites that you trust. All of the APKs on this page have been uploaded by us using the original APKs direct from the pc that they were originally written on.

    If you're still concerned, once downloaded, you can scan each APK for malware PRIOR TO INSTALLATION by uploading the APK up to

    We'd also advise that once installed, don't forget to go back into your device's settings and disallow your device from installing apps from unknown sources.

    If you're still not sure, be safe, not sorry, and don't download!

How do I install the apps? (third party link)